Haven’t stocked your wishlist with the latest? Whatever occasions you’ve got comin’ up, make sure your wishlist is prepped to go at all times.
From birthday vibes to Christmas gift ideas, pack your wishlist with all your favourite looks – then share it with your friends n’ fam so they know exactly what you’re loving RN.
Haven’t added anything to yours yet? Or need to update it with the latest looks to land? We’ve got you covered! Check out our step-by-step guide right here
Create Your Wishlist
1. If you haven’t already, download the JD app! Offering the best shopping experience, the app is a must-have.
2. Once you’ve got the app, head to ‘More’, then ‘My Account’ and log in with your JD account. Don’t have one yet? You can create one while you’re there. Being signed in means you can do more with your wishlist!
3. Then it’s time to scroll what’s new! Shop by brand, gender, category, or just check the latest if you’re in need of some inspo.
4. Once you’ve found something you want to add to your wishlist, show it some love by tapping ‘Save to Wishlist’. It’ll automatically be added.
5. Keep adding! From trainers to tracksuits, and hoodies to accessories – your wishlist is THE place for all your favourite finds. Remember to check back and see what’s new to keep it up to date with just-dropped heat.

Share It!
Once you’ve created your wishlist, you can share it to drop hints, help your loved ones with gift ideas or just show your mates what you’re hoping to cop.
Just head to your wishlist by clicking ‘Wishlist’ at the bottom menu of the app, then tap ‘Share’ by the list you want to send (psst, you have to be signed in to be able to share it). Choose your recipient and hit send – this can be sent via Whatsapp, Instagram and more.
What’re you waiting for? Get your wishlist prepped now!