Prepping for your summer hols means putting in some serious ab work, copping the best swimwear looks, and finding the most ‘gram-worthy spots for those all important holiday snaps. So you might be hitting the gym hard now, but for most of us, once the plane takes off the health kick stops and holiday food starts – bring on the treats, pool side cocktails and carbs; meaning all that hard work goes to waist (get it!)
However, this year we’ve got you covered! Wave goodbye to that sluggish feelin’, embrace all that amaze holiday food, and say hello to holiday workouts that’ll keep your beach bod looking fierce all vay-cay long!
Sunset Yoga
Popular with those wanting to relax in the sun’s afterglow, sunset yoga can boost your metabolism, keep you feelin’ zen, and help you tone up. From a 15-minute meditation to some seriously strenuous yoga poses, you can work every muscle in no time.
Great before a chilled night out, after a long day of exploring, or for enjoying those beach sunsets every night – sunset yoga is a must try!
The Workout:
Try your hand at a tree pose and even some sunset meditation.

Butt Burning Beach Sprints
One for those looking to feel the burn (but not the sunburn!) Beach sprints are a high intensity, high temperature and big results workout idea for those of ya needing a boost during your hols. Race against your fam and friends, work up a sweat and finish off with a dip in the sea.
Pack your running shoes (or even wear them to the airport for maximum comfort) and get sprinting. A high intensity workout like this is a great way to start the day when the sun is still rising. Set distances and routes, and then try and smash your best times!
The Workout:
Try these in reps of 10 with a 30 second rest in between each exercise and repeat the whole circuit 5 times:
- Squats with a pulse (use a weight if you have one to work your triceps at the same time)
- Lunges with a twist (10 on each side)
- Side bends (10 on each side)
- Finish off with 4 reps of 100 metres. Or, split into teams for a relay race with each person running 200 metres before switching.

Cocktails and Core
Engage that core, push through the pain, and reward yourself with a cocktail! Sounds fair, right?
For the ultimate beach bod, you need to get that core engaged to bring out your abs of steel. Work on your plank at the beach, get your sit ups done by the pool, and lunge your way to a happier holiday.
The Workout:
Try 10 reps of every exercise and repeat the whole circuit 4 times.
- Squats with a weight
- Russian twists
- Crunches with core engaged
- Push-ups
- Jumping jacks with core engaged
- Cheeky sip of the cocktail
- 30 second plank to finish

Never Too Cool For The Pool
Even if you don’t have your own pool, most beach hols are right near the sea which means a morning swim is in order. A fab cardio sesh to start the day with and a great break from tanning your way to being a bronzed goddess, a dip in the pool or the sea will work your core, arms and legs.
The Workout:
Repeat 3 times
- 10x full lengths
- 30 seconds treading water
Dance Floor Squat It Down
Everyone loves to dominate the dance floor on their hols! Cocktail in hand, summer bod on show, tunes blaring and body moving – it’s a great time and a great holiday workout. Squatting, lunging and grooving your way to toned legs, bums and torso. Throwing shapes to the classics gets you working up a sweat and toning up all night long!

You got what it takes to up your fitness game this holiday season? Shop the essential holiday sportswear and beachwear right here!