
JD Sports | January 20, 2023

Survey Says: Episode 5

Now that the dust has settled on Christmas 2022, Savage Dan has welcomed back his cast of relationship savants to break-down the mess of the festive season and find out whose love lives survived and whose were destined to fail 👀

That’s right, Survey Says: Research and Development is back!


Not seen ‘Survey Says’ before? Since the season started, we’ve been linking up with a load of JD regulars to debate just how men and women really see each other. It’s all about honesty, relationships, social media and more.


In Research and Development, the gang are challenged to not only give their opinion, but to act out their feelings. They’re resolving some of the toughest, real-life issues via role play! Wanna’ see what it’s all about?


Episode 5

In the latest episode of ‘Survey Says’, our host and ring-leader Savage Dan (@savagedan10) is joined once again by our usual debate crew; Mimi, Hemah, Malaika, Miles, Jordy, Lippy and PK – as well as a late substitution with Specs!


From missing a World Cup match for a festive date, to being ghosted on Christmas day, who’s got the speed and improvisational skills to come out on top in this week’s scenarios?!


Catch the full ep right here ⬇️ ⬇️



If you missed the previous episode, tune into episode 4 now.


Don’t wanna’ miss out? Make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube channel, JDOfficial, for loads more series’ ft. the likes of Chunkz, Specs and many other familiar faces.

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