
JD Sports | May 7, 2020

Bringin’ Us Joy This Week…

As another week in lock down passes, we’re all starting to boss quarantine life. Whether you’re WFH or social distancing with friends and family, life is starting to adjust and community spirit is at an all-time high!

We’ve all been saying a BIG thank you to our NHS, carers and key workers. Coming together all over the country, we’ve been clapping from our front doors, getting involved with charities and hanging rainbows in windows to show a massive appreciation to those who are keeping us safe every single day and boosting morale!

So, whether you, a BFF or family member want to feel those positive vibes, kick back and check out some of the positive acts of kindness we’ve come across this week for a pick me up!

Rainbow Roads

Rainbow road messages have been croppin’ up all over the country for NHS staff and key workers to brighten up their commutes and pay tribute to those working so hard to keep us safe. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Drive Thru Disco

Burgh House Care Home in Great Yarmouth brought the Studio 54 vibes by putting on a disco to bring a smile to their residents during lock down. Family members were able drive past the care home as their loved ones – who they haven’t seen in eight weeks – lined the road waving flags and dancing to music.

(Image credit: Great Yarmouth Mercury)

It’s Time to Give Back!

London food and travel blogger Nicola wanted to keep morale and energy levels high for our NHS as they work tirelessly. As it’s all hands to the deck for our carers right now, Nicola prepped goodie bags of essentials and treats to get staff feelin’ refreshed and energised while they’re at work!



Celebrating those keeping us safe, @tomcroftartist has come up with the idea of painting portraits of our health care heroes as a thanks for giving their all for us. Each portrait has a special shout out to who the NHS worker is with the amazing work they’re doing for us and shows us the incredible super-hero strength they own!

(@jasoncarrartist, @derekbloisartist)

Man Like Tom

Our fave guy Captain Tom has been awarded a gold Blue Peter Badge after raising a mega £33mil for the NHS. What a role model, we salute you!

(Image credit: BBC)

Whist we may be apart from our friends and fam, the nation feels more united that ever! We’re saying thanks to the NHS and keyworkers and are offering 20% off for our Blue Light Community.




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