
JD Sports | February 13, 2023

Confessions: Episode 3

We’re startin’ the week with a bang with a brand-new episode of ‘Confessions’!

Not seen it before? Confessions is all about who can keep their story straight. In each ep, our hosts turn detectives as they investigate a serious crime between friends. They’ll be hearing the original story, then interrogating five suspects to uncover the truth and reveal the guilty party…


With nervous lies, hidden clues and home truths being revealed, stay locked in as the plot thickens!


Episode 3

A new episode calls for a new scenario; this time our guy Chunkz is joined by Harry Pinero and PK Humble. The trio get their detective hats on seek the truth from five suspects: Rachel, Liz, Chantelle, Sara and Jenelle.


As Jennifer, her five friends and her boyfriend, Alex, head to Paris for a NYE trip, tensions begin to boil when Alex returns home with scratch marks on his back…


With four suspects telling the truth and only one leading a lie, who can keep their story straight and avoid the second round of interrogation? And whose guilt is putting them back in the hot seat?!



Can’t wait for the second part? For loads more series’ ft. the likes of Chunkz, PK and the JD crew, make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube channel, JDOfficial.

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