
JD Sports | April 28, 2020

Werk It Out: Hands On Kettlebell

If you weren’t down with the hype of home workouts before, you probably are by now. From weight training to live HIIT sessions, there’s an exercise for everyone – who needs the gym right?!

Good for the body and mind – something that’s very important right now – we’re bringin’ you some fitness inspo to help you get from the sofa to those sit ups.


Kettlebells really pack a punch fitness-wise and they don’t take up much space! You only really need one to get a decent workout, but it never hurts to have two. Don’t own any? Bottles of water or shopping bags will work just as well.

It’s a full body, high intensity workout, and one that also help with your general agility and range of motion. By enabling a range of dynamic, swing-based movements and forcing your body to move between muscle groups is a great way to build strength and flexibility.

Let’s get started with your very own PT session, just make sure you leave yourself enough room to swing!

(For the following exercises, start with timed sets. Complete 3 sets, 30 seconds of movement and 30 seconds of rest. You can always do more sets as you build up your endurance.)


  1. Grab the kettlebell with two hands on the handle.
  2. Raise the kettlebell above your head.
  3. Move around your head like you’re tracing a halo.

First Timer Tip:  With your halos, remember to keep the movement smooth. You don’t want to accidentally slam your head with the bell.

Goblet Squat

  1. Grab the kettlebell with two hands.
  2. Keep your elbows in tight and your feet about parallel.
  3. Then lower down like you would in a squat.
  4. Reverse the movement to raise back up.

How-to: For the goblet squat, focus on depth. It’s more important to practice doing a full squat than to pump out reps. If you can’t make them all, don’t stress it. Do what you can to work those glutes and quads.

Overhead Press

  1. Grab the kettlebell with one hand, with the handle going down your palm (if the handle is too close to your fingers it’ll pull your wrist down).
  2. Press straight up with your fist driving the movement (your fist should be pointing up the entire time).
  3. Reverse the movement and bring the kettlebell back down. Then repeat.

Bent Over Row

  1. Get down into a bent-over, flat-back position and grab the kettlebell with one arm.
  2. Pick up the kettlebell by driving your elbow up into your rib cage.
  3. Lower the kettlebell back down by reversing the movement.

Perk Up Your Posture: Keep you back straight and stomach tight this will help engage your legs for stabilisation.

The Swing

  1. Get down into a bent-over, flat-back position and grab the kettlebell with both hands from the handle.
  2. Swing the kettlebell behind you, then get ready to jump up.
  3. Jump up (without leaving the ground) and swing the kettlebell up. You should be standing tall at the peak of the movement.
  4. Reverse the movement and bring the kettlebell back down and behind you.
  5. You know what’s comin’…repeat!

Even if you’re exercising solo, it’s still good to rep the right workout gear and nothing gets your motivation up quite like new active wear, right? Check out our workout collection on site RN.

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