
JD Sports | April 14, 2020

Werk It Out

Wanna boost your health and well-being? Don’t sweat it, we’ve got you covered!  You’ve probably embraced working out at home by now and know that to keep your body active and feelin’ energised is really important for your physical and mental health.

After the long weekend of over indulging in Easter eggs, we’ve got some home workouts to break up your day and get you moving!

Ready to get heart racing and blood pumping? Your motivation starts right here…


Whether it’s first thing in the morning or just before you go to bed, taking time to build on your flexibility and range of movement can really help boost your well-being. It will allow you to focus on your body and your breathing, letting you to de-stress and relax, while building strength and stability throughout your entire body. Take some time to listen to your body, you deserve it.


Wanna include some weight training into your workout routine but don’t own any dumbbells? We got you! With just a bit of creativity, you can make your own at home. Use empty bottles or jars and fill them with water to replace actual dumbbells. 1L of water weighs exactly 1kg, so you’ll be able to keep track of how much you’re lifting.


We all like to throw the occasional shape, so why not try it to get fit and healthy? Dancing is a great home workout as it can be intense cardio exercise, as well as being mega fun. Plus, as you’re in the privacy of your own home, you quite literally can dance like no-one is watching!


All you need is a few square metres of space! Lunges build lower body power and work multiple muscles at once. The movement works the muscles in the hips, glutes and legs to make them stronger, more balanced and more flexible in ways that are helpful in sports and everyday life.


If like most people, you’re working from home at the moment, going for a walk is one of the best ways to be more mindful. Not only will it do wonders to get some fresh air, but by focusing on your breathing, the environment around you and how your body moves, you’ll instantly feel more present.

Wanna Dress the Part?

If anything is going to motivate you to get into shape, it’s a new workout ‘drobe. Check out all the fitness ‘fits on JD right now – inspiration starts with a new kit, right?

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