
JD Sports | September 7, 2020

Nike’s Heroes in Sustainability: Meet Malin (@maawl)

Nike’s Move to Zero has kicked off and we’ve been teaming up with a number of Heroes in Sustainability. Over the past few weeks, we’ve had the low down on MichaelVictoria, Widya  and Penny. This time, we’re talking sustainability with Malin (@maawl)!

Malin is a Swedish vegan and lifestyle content creator and blogger. She grew up on the countryside in Sweden half an hour from a tiny tiny town called Alingsas. As a big dreamer, always thinking, dreaming and wanting to live an awesome adventurous life, her love for cameras and photography came into her life about the age of 9 when she received her very first polaroid camera, which followed her around everywhere!

Excited to be chatting about sustainability in celebration of the launch of Nike’s new Air VaporMax 2020 Flyknit, Malin is a proud vegan and is making a change for the better that gives her the best feeling in the world. Check out 6 easy ways that we can all do  to make this world a better place and a happier future for everyone  involved…

1. Say No to Plastic Bags

I have put this as my number one as this is most likely the easiest one to commit to. Say what?! Can you ​actually go shopping without coming home with 10 different bags and what about the groceries? Well, I recently committed to not buying one single plastic bag ever again and I will refuse to buy any bags, whether I am grocery shopping or buying any bits and bobs in the city. Even if I were to forget my tote bag I will literally carry it all in my hands and arms or my pockets. That’s commitment you guys. But it is really so easy once you put your mind to it. I usually always have a massive hand bag where I can put the stuff and I also have a rolled up tote bag in my handbag which I will bring with me wherever I go, just in case I find myself spontaneously at the supermarket. Did you know that there´s even reusable bags for when you buy fruit and veggies? Yes, and you can just wash them in your dishwasher or washing machine which is brilliant! Also, the nature and all of the water species will thank you forever.

2. Bring Your Own Reusable Cup on the Go

Single use plastic and coffee cups is one of the worst waste for our planet. Billions of coffee cups end up in landfills each year. That´s just crazy. Invest in a reusable cup made out of porcelain or bamboo, these days most coffee shops even give you a discount when you bring our own cup too! So it´s a win win for your wallet and the environment!

3. Recycle, Reuse

First: buy reusable cotton pads, cloths and towels. Say no to paper towels, one time use cotton pads and cloths. Invest in buying a set of pads made out of cotton that you can throw in the laundry and use again and again. Same goes for cloths and hand towels. Second: make it a habit to recycle your trash. One for paper, one for plastic, one for metal and one for your food. Speaking of recycle, Nike’s new Air VaporMax 2020 Flyknit sneakers are all made with at least 50% recycled content by weight, which reduces waste and our carbon footprint. So when you need to buy something new and there are two options, always go for the better one. All with the intent to move to zero. You get the drill!

4. Eat Plants

Hey, let’s do it! If you’ve been thinking about putting more greens on your plate but you don’t know where to start? When I transited into a 100% plant based diet I would literally keep cooking the food that I was used to in the beginning. Like one of my favourite Swedish dishes: mash and meatballs. I would then just swap the meatballs to veggie balls and the butter in my mash into a vegan butter. I think today it is easier than ever to be vegan without missing out on flavours and the foods that you are used to. The options today and the substitutes are better than ever and new ones keeps popping up every time I go food shopping! Eating a vegan meal doesn’t necessarily have to mean beans, peas, grass and lettuce. Eat the way you’re used to, just make it vegan babes. Easy peasy and so delicious! Trust me, try it!

5. Meal Planning

Prepare your meals in advance and only buy only food that you are planning to eat. You’d be surprised at how much food that are being wasted all around the world today. The figures are alarming so it might sounds like a no-brainer but by spending a few minutes each week to plan your following meals will help you not only to buy the food that you will actually eat but also waste less and save money too.

6. Bulk It Up

Yes, you heard it. Whether you are shopping shampoo, nuts or food – simply buy everything in the biggest package available to reduce plastic and bottle waste. Also doing so will save you money too as buying in bulk is usually cheaper than buying the small packages giving you only what you need for a little period of time. And on another note for all of us lazy shopper out there: less rounds to the supermarket because well, the stuff will last us a whole lot longer! Great! More time to sit down working on our goals and awesome future, huh?

Wanna’ cop the latest? The black Nike Air VaporMax 2020 Flyknit will drop at 8am on Thursday 10th September, don’t miss out!

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